Our satisfied customers rely on DZS

Here you will find an overview of network operators who have built or extended their broadband network with DZS solutions, enabling them to reliably provide their customers with the highest bandwidths.

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COM-IN picks DZS solutions for an optical fibre network to the building in Ingolstadt

Ingolstadt-based communications company COM-IN has picked DZS-KEYMILE’s innovative MileGate access platform to grow its extensive optical fibre infrastructure for residential and corporate customers.

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Full Fibre builds 10G ultra-fast optical fibre network with DZS

Full Fibre, a telecommunications company based in the south west of England, has picked DZS GPON and XGS-PON technologies for its new optical fibre network.

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Gigaclear relies on DZS-KEYMILE for optical fibre expansion

British telecommunications provider Gigaclear is building ultrafast optical fibre networks with DZS-KEYMILE technology in rural areas of England.

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NextGenAccess chooses DZS-KEYMILE technology for its ultra-fast broadband roll-out

Hertfordshire-based network operator and internet provider is using KEYMILE’s IP-MSAN MileGate to provide SMEs with ultra-fast broadband.

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Network operator WEMACOM builds FTTH optical fibre network with DZS-KEYMILE access solution

Network operator picks DZS-KEYMILE’s MileGate 2510 IP-MSAN to deliver optical fibre connections and ultra-fast broadband access to residential and corporate customers.

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WOBCOM picks DZS-KEYMILE’s FTTB solution for fast internet in apartment buildings

Telecommunications supplier WOBCOM has chosen DZS-KEYMILE’s MileGate 2042 to deliver future-proof, gigabit-range bandwidths to end customers.